What's Hot
At The WMA:
New site coming soon: WorldMetalAlliance.Org!
After nearly 6 months of research development, coding and design, the all new online home of the WMA is scheduled to open May 1st... just in time for the 15th Anniversary of the WMA!
WMA Metal Awards Are Back!
Thanks to Commanding General Tharikifa, the World Metal Alliance Heavy Metal Awards are back, be sure to post your nominations before June.
Upcoming Metal Releases 2007
Be sure to check out the definitive list of upcoming metal releases for this year. Many you don't want to miss.
Someones teaching these kids right.
Think metal is dead? Well there is hope, check out this video of some amazing kids playing an Iron Maiden classic.
#1 Arch Enemy of Heavy Metal?
Tipper Gore? The PMRC? The religious right? Exactly who is the #1 Arch Enemy of Heavy Metal?
We've had several different site designs since first going online in 2000. All four of these interfaces are listed below and still operational for those who prefer them to our new design. Simply click the icon of the interface you want to use to browse our site.

Welcome to the World Metal Alliance
We are an organization of heavy metal fans and heavy metal musicians founded in 1992 in order to protect, promote and preserve heavy metal music. Our site has been designed for usability and ease of navigation. However, if you're new, you may want to take some time to read the following index and descriptions in order to orient yourself, due to the fact that this site is so large. Below you'll find that we've organized the many feature-packed pages in this site into seven main sections, or categories. In some cases these sections contain pages that intersect with related pages in other sections. And all seven sections contain one common FAQ page in order to avoid confusion and duplicate questions.
The World Metal Alliance has always been the combined voices, opinions and views of our members. Prior to going on the web in 2000, the exchange of information between members was conducted through our newsletter, "The Quarterly Report", which was published four times a year. Now it all happens in real time within the Community section of our web site. Here you'll find thousands of heavy metal fans and heavy metal musicians, all dedicated World Metal Alliance members, networking and coming together in a spirit of unity and mutual respect that is rare on most online heavy metal communities. In addition to our discussion boards, our heavy metal community is enhanced with a member's picture gallery, heavy metal band promotion, heavy metal album reviews written by the membership, heavy metal polls to determine winners of the WMA Heavy Metal Awards, and live heavy metal chat rooms.
Main Board: The World Metal Alliance Forum has thousands of active members across the globe and is home of the top ranked Heavy Metal Board and Political Board on the web. Our board sets the standard by which all heavy metal boards are measured. Many heavy metal sites have unsuccessfully tried to imitate its extremely cool atmosphere and widespread popularity among the heavy metal subculture. One independent review of our boards put it this way, "World leaders have the UN, headbangers have the WMA". The difference is democratic rule, an emphasis on unity and mutual respect, and a Moderation team that will not tolerate flame wars, drama queens or soap operas. Basically, cool is the rule, the members are the controlling force, not one designated dictator. Here you can interact and network with other heavy metal fans throughout the world, participate in thousands of heavy metal, general and political topics and polls, or even post your own.
Join: Membership for the World Metal Alliance has always been free, but joining and has never been as quick and easy. The voice of the World Metal Alliance has always been the combined opinions and input provided by it's members. In the past, we've published these views in printed form. Now, harnessing the power of the web, these voices, opinions and views can be instantaneously published by World Metal Alliance members on fully automated message boards and discussed in live chat rooms. And joining in order to contribute your voice, views and opinions can now be done online and have you both registered and posting in moments!
Pics: Our member's picture pages are a growing directory to World Metal Alliance Member's photo pages and heavy metal site links, allowing you to see who your interacting with. All active members are encouraged to e-mail their photo and we'll build them a custom page, hosted free of charge. And, if you have a heavy metal related site, include the link and we'll put it on your custom photo page as well. It's an effective and free way to promote your heavy metal site on a highly visited part of the web. (Note this service is no longer available and slated for deletion in the near future.)
Promote Band: If you're looking for a free and effective way to promote your heavy metal band, this is the place to do it. You can not only post a link to your heavy metal band's site and have it reviewed by heavy metal fans from around the world, you can also invite dedicated fans of your band to join and rate your band's site in order to keep your link posting active and rating high.
Polls: Have you ever watched music awards shows and been disgusted by the nominees and winners for heavy metal? Well we have, that's why we created The World Metal Alliance Heavy Metal Awards. Each year our members, all dedicated heavy metal fans, nominate and choose the winner in thirteen specific heavy metal categories. At the end of the year the winners are announced played in a special online radio broadcast.
Reviews: Here you can read and rate heavy metal album reviews, all written by members of The World Metal Alliance. Or, if you like, you can write your own. And since these reviews are non-commercial they are free of the bias and spin you might get from heavy metal review sites that accept advertising from record companies and bands. It's a great way to get the scoop on the latest releases, obscure heavy metal albums and heavy metal bands. And best of all, find out if they're worth spending your money on before you make a purchase.
Chat Room: Our live chat room is feature packed and at certain times crowded with heavy metal fans from all over the world. Sometimes there's even a live DJ taking requests to play on the heavy metal feed, which everyone is usually tuned into and discussing. Always free of trolls and drama, and sometimes drenched in booze, The World Metal Alliance live chat room is a global virtual online heavy metal party.
Other Rooms: Is the above chat room down? No need to worry, we have 4 other rooms standing by. If the chat room is not working, or too crowded, live chat can be alternatively conducted in any of the following heavy metal chat rooms: WMA Room, AXS Room, Dark Room, or Extra Room.
FAQ: If you have any questions concerning the Community section, or any other section of The World Metal Alliance website, post them on our Online Support Board. There's always someone online and you'll usually receive an answer from either one of our members, Moderators or Administrators within hours of your post. |
The World Metal Alliance was founded in1992 and reborn as this website in the year 2000. This section of our site includes the history of the World Metal Alliance, our pre-web publications, the many awards this site has won since going online, and a guestbook for visitors and guests to leave their comments about the World Metal Alliance and this website.
Join: Membership for the World Metal Alliance has always been free, but joining and has never been as quick and easy. The voice of the World Metal Alliance has always been the combined opinions and input provided by it's members. In the past, we've published these views in printed form. Now, harnessing the power of the web, these voices, opinions and views can be instantaneously published by World Metal Alliance members on fully automated message boards and discussed in live chat rooms. And joining in order to contribute your voice, views and opinions can now be done online and have you both registered and posting in moments!
History: Here you can read how and why the World Metal Alliance was founded back in 1992. See how the unprovoked attacks on heavy metal which came from the left and the right inspired a few dedicated heavy metal fans and musicians to unite and inform the entire heavy metal subculture, the amazing response the concept received and how far the World Metal Alliance spread before the web entirely by word of mouth.
Publications: Here you can see the very first recruitment flyer that started it all, the first 1991 World Metal Alliance membership card and samples of our pre-web newsletter, The Quarterly Report. An excellent way to learn how we united and informed the heavy metal subculture entirely using printed newsletters, word of mouth and snail mail nearly a decade before the entire operation became the web's top ranked non-commercial heavy metal site.
Site Awards: When first deciding to turn the World Metal Alliance into a website back in 2000, we were determined to create a top-notch first class heavy metal site worthy of the heavy metal subculture that would even exceed the quality of commercial heavy metal sites. After doing a massive amount of research on what heavy metal sites were available we found that even among the commercial heavy metal sites, quality, high-end design and ease of use was rare. It almost seemed like there was an unwritten rule somewhere that said heavy metal websites had to look like substandard amatuer home made crap. Well if there was such a rule, the World Metal Alliance broke it when our website went online. Now, years later we have received over a dozen awards for site design and content setting the standard for all heavy metal websites, both non-commercial and commercial higher than ever.
Guestbook: We've provided a guestbook for visitors to leave their comments or links without having to actually join the World Metal Alliance. And, although joining has many benefits, if your just a guest, or visitor passing by, we invite you to sign our guestbook and leave your comments there for all to see.
Donations: The World Metal Alliance is commercial free, but the cost of running and maintaining it grows everyday. Although the expenses of our website and server is covered by donations from founders and from the profits from the sale of World Metal Alliance merchandise, our Forum is funded by the donations of our membership. If you'd like to make a donation to our Forum and help support the continuation of the World Metal Alliance's goal of protecting, promoting and preserving the artform of heavy metal it would be greatly appreciated.
FAQ: If you have any questions concerning the About Us section, or any other section of The World Metal Alliance website, post them on our Online Support Board. There's always someone online and you'll usually receive an answer from either one of our members, Moderators or Administrators within hours of your post. |
This section of the World Metal Alliance website is by far one of the most popular and well travelled portions of our website, and with good reason. You'll find a ton of free heavy metal related stuff including links to free heavy metal MP3s, free music software, free heavy metal fonts, free World Metal Alliance wallpaper, free World Metal Alliance custom avatars, free animated World Metal Alliance signatures and even your own free World Metal Alliance E-mail account.
Wallpaper & MP3s: This is one of the most popular pages in the World Metal Alliance website, featuring links to free heavy metal MP3's, free music software, free heavy metal fonts, and an assortment of World Metal Alliance wallpaper to help metalize your desktop.
Avatars: An avatar is the square custom icon that appears under your screenname everytime you make a post on the World Metal Alliance Forum. Since many members don't have access to image hosting or know how to write the code needed to make them work, we've created over 275 different avatars along with the required code. All are hosted free of charge on our server and are easy to add to your screenname. Just find the avatar you like, copy the code and follow the provided instructions.
Signatures: A signature is an optional graphic, or text block, that appears under your posts on the World Metal Alliance Forum (with the exception of the World Metal Alliance Metal Board, where signatures are not allowed). Since many members don't have access to image hosting or know how to write the code needed to make them work, we've created and released over a dozen different animated signatures along required code. All are hosted free of charge on our server and are easy to add to your screenname. Just find the avatar you like, copy the code and follow the provided instructions.
Free E-Mail Account: Get a free World Metal Alliance heavy metal e-mail account with 6MB of space and customized spam blockers. It's free, private, very dependable and can be accessed from nearly any computer with internet access. And the address sounds metal too, for example; yourname@conquer.every1.net
FAQ: If you have any questions concerning the Free Stuff section, or any other section of The World Metal Alliance website, post them on our Online Support Board. There's always someone online and you'll usually receive an answer from either one of our members, Moderators or Administrators within hours of your post. |
We currently offer several of the best heavy metal webcasts available, in what may be the first all heavy metal webcast directory on the internet. Everything from live broadcasts, to prerecorded metal shows you can download, featuring the entire range of heavy metal genres, your sure to find a heavy metal feed to your liking.
Channel 1 Erik's Metal Shop: The Official Weekly Feed of The World Metal Alliance Weekend Live Chats, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, 1am Eastern, but you can download or stream this show any time.
Channel 2 Seismic Radio: Broadcasting a RealPlayer stream of music that features progressive rock and metal, and occasionally some non-metal stuff like new age, electronica, or classical, so be sure to check their schedule.
Channel 3 Classic Metal Show: Listen "Live" every Saturday from 9pm to 3am Eastern. Features classic metal, see site for details and upcoming shows.
Channel 4 Hard Beyond Driven: Listen "Live" every Monday night 8-10pm Eastern. Features interviews and all types of Metal: Power, Thrash, Speed, Progressive, Euro, Death, Black, Indie, Hard Rock and Punk.
Channel 5 Alliance Radio: AllianceRadio.com is a live music feed owned, operated, funded and staffed entirely by members of the World Metal Alliance. Tune in and hear history in the making. Be sure to check our Forums for show times and further details.
FAQ If you have any questions concerning the Metal Feeds section, or any other section of The World Metal Alliance website, post them on our Online Support Board. There's always someone online and you'll usually receive an answer from either one of our members, Moderators or Administrators within hours of your post. |
In this section you'll find a large collection of resources specifically created for the heavy metal subculture. Featuring live automated world and music headlines, the infamous "Dropdown Menu From Hell" connecting you to the best sources for heavy metal lyrics, heavy metal band histories, heavy metal release dates, and the massive Mental Ammo section providing the information you need to effectively research and debate the enemies of heavy metal on both sides of the political spectrum.
Live News Feeds & Resources: This page features Live World News and Music Industry headlines that update each time the page loads, and the often imitated "Dropdown Menu From Hell" which contains links to the most relevant heavy metal resources on the internet.
Mental Ammo: Throughout it's history, heavy metal has been attacked by extremists on both ends of the political spectrum. From the left, many have lobbied in congress for label laws and censorship and even encouraged the removal and social rehabilitation of anyone who wore a metal t-shirt to their politically correct public schools. And from the right, pseudo-fundamentalists preached record burnings, banishment, and the total elimination of heavy metal as we know it. As always, the most effective way to debate the enemies of Heavy Metal is to arm yourself by studying the historic documents each side claims to follow. We have provided the following resources for just that purpose, and hope they will better arm the metal subculture for combating those who oppose heavy metal, both now and in the future.
Promote Band: If you're looking for a free and effective way to promote your heavy metal band, this is the place to do it. You can not only post a link to your heavy metal band's site and have it reviewed by heavy metal fans around the world, you can also invite dedicated fans of your band to join and rate your band's site in order to keep your link posting active and rating high.
FAQ: If you have any questions concerning the Resources section, or any other section of The World Metal Alliance website, post them on our Online Support Board. There's always someone online and you'll usually receive an answer from either one of our members, Moderators or Administrators within hours of your post. |
Whether your looking to add your link to our site, link your site to ours, or simply promote your heavy metal band to a highly targeted heavy metal audience, this is the section for you. And we've made it easy. You can add your link without e-mailing us and awaiting approval, and you can find a wide range of banner sizes to add a piece of the World Metal Alliance to your heavy metal website.
Link To The World Metal Alliance: Here's a great way to help us protect, promote and preserve heavy metal. Just select the banner that best fits your site and add it along with the required link. You'll be promoting the World Metal Alliance and affiliating your heavy metal site with the World metal Alliance, a well known non-commercial, pro-metal organization and home of the top ranked heavy metal and political board on the web.
Add Your Link To Our Site: If you searching the web, looking for a way to promote your heavy metal band or heavy metal related site, this is the place to do it. All you need to do is join the World Metal Alliance by registering a free account on The World Metal Alliance Forums and post your link along with a description of your heavy metal band or heavy metal website.
Promote Band: If you're looking for a free and effective way to promote your heavy metal band, this is the place to do it. You can not only post a link to your heavy metal band's site and have it reviewed by heavy metal fans from around the world, you can also invite dedicated fans of your band to join and rate your band's site in order to keep your link posting active and rating high.
FAQ: If you have any questions concerning the Trade Links section, or any other section of The World Metal Alliance website, post them on our Online Support Board. There's always someone online and you'll usually receive an answer from either one of our members, Moderators or Administrators within hours of your post. |
This section of the World Metal Alliance website is a unique collection of pages once hidden from non-members. When the World Metal Alliance first went online, we hid several buttons throughout the site, and as an incentive to join, non-members were promised that after joining they would be sent the secret location of the buttons needed to access the hidden portion of our site, which they were. This incentive has long since been retired, and now all these pages are open to the public. Often called "The sight behind the site" this section contains games, chatrooms, metal resources, and even a hidden board.
Magic Ball: No longer available.
Metal Machine: Having trouble coming up with a new heavy metal song title or lyric? Our Metal Machine automatically generates random phrases packed with metal related words. What's even more amazing is they often rhyme, making it perfect for finding a lyric or even inspire an entire heavy metal song.
Metal Mystery: How well do you know your heavy metal bands? Our Metal Mystery game is a perfect way to find out. It's a heavy metal online game that is played like hangman, where you pick a letter, which is revealed, and then guess the band name in order to solve the puzzle.
Unseen Room: Years ago these shared chatrooms were installed as backup in the event our main chatroom was down. Since then, they have been replaced with newer private backup chatrooms, but we left these shared rooms in place for those who like to chat with the unknown. While our new rooms are private, like a chat version of a cell phone, these shared rooms are more like a chat version of an old CB, you never know who or what you'll meet.
Ultraboard: The first World Metal Alliance boards were on a service that often went down and lacked the features needed for a private administration board. The Ultraboard was originally installed as an emergency backup for the times our old boards would go down, and as a place for Moderators and Administrators to privately discuss issues concerning the boards. Those first boards went out of business long ago, but the Ultraboard is still operational. Although it's no longer used for administration, it's there as a lifeboat in the event our new boards ever go down. (Note: this board is inactive and slated for deletion in the near future.
Quick Six: Need six random numbers? The Quick Six quickly and easily generates six random numbers everytime you click the button. Some people get their numbers from fortune cookies, why not get six dark digits from the Vast Unseen Realm?
Ancient Text: We have provided this first of its kind resource for those who wish to further research the origins of the many dark themes common throughout metal as found in the Ancient Text and for those who wish to gain the intellectual ammo needed to more effectively debate those who seek to censor metal.
Medieval Modes: A valuable reference for guitarists, bassists and composers which consolidates volumes of music theory into an easy to understand chart, showing all seven medieval modes in movable form, listed in order from darkest to brightest. Also includes a side-by-side comparison of all seven modes and the secret of the forbidden triad.
Misc: Miscellaneous site additions and future pages. Scripts and code for page revisions are often tested on this page before being added to the site.
FAQ: If you have any questions concerning the Vast Unseen Realm section, or any other section of The World Metal Alliance website, post them on our Online Support Board. There's always someone online and you'll usually receive an answer from either one of our members, Moderators or Administrators within hours of your post. |