WMA Backup Chat Rooms

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Other Rooms

No need to worry, we have 4 other rooms standing by.

If the Chat Room on the WMA Forum is not working or too crowded, live chat can be alternatively conducted in any of the following rooms.

1st Backup:

WMA Main Live Chat Room

This is the main backup chat room of the World Metal Alliance, due to it's advanced features.

2nd Option:

AXS Main Live Chat Room

Access to the WMA ROOM via our backup server in the event our primary server is down.

3rd Option:

All Black Live Chat Room

This room got it's name from it's all black interface, often used as an alternative to the WMA Main Room.

4th Option:

Backup Live Chat Room

In the event that all other rooms are are either full, or not working, this room may be used as a last resort.

Be patient, some rooms may take some extra time to initially load on slower connections and may require screen name registration.
Must have Java enabled in your browser. Some rooms may not work on certain browsers and platforms or may not be accessible through firewalls.

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The Red Globe and Lightning Monogram Logo, Trademark 1992 World Metal Alliance.
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