Below is the very first WMA recruitment flyer that started it all back in 1992. We first handed these out at Vet Stadium parking lot in Philadelphia during a Metallica concert, and then in local metal clubs in the months that followed. As expected many people we handed them to were skeptical, some even refused to take them, but the majority accepted them, read them, joined and started to recruit others:

1992 Recruitment Flyer - Side 1

1992 Recruitment Flyer - Side 2
Those who filled out the form and mailed it in received a recruitment flyer with their member number to copy and distribute and a WMA Membership card stamped with their number as shown below:

1992 WMA Membership Card
Our only means of communications back then was through our newsletter "The Quarterly Report" which included letters from members, poll results, status reports, and articles. Much like our current boards, only members had to wait 3 months for each report. Below is the very first WMA Quarterly Report, all 4 pages of it, in all it's black and white xerox glory:

WMA Quarterly Report, 1st Edition, Page 1

WMA Quarterly Report, 1st Edition, Page 2

WMA Quarterly Report, 1st Edition, Page 3

WMA Quarterly Report, 1st Edition, Page 4
As time past the WMA spread to almost every state and several other countries, all by word of mouth, friends recruiting friends. By 1994, two years in the red, the price of postage made it impossible to continue the newsletter, and although the WMA remained on the County records as an organization and continued to receive more members, our newsletter mailings came to a close with the following, the last edition of the WMA Quarterly Report:

WMA Quarterly Report, Final Edition, Page 1

WMA Quarterly Report, Final Edition, Page 2

WMA Quarterly Report, Final Edition, Page 3

WMA Quarterly Report, Final Edition, Page 4

WMA Quarterly Report, Final Edition, Page 5

WMA Quarterly Report, Final Edition, Page 6
The entire concept of defending metal through unification by letting the members communicate with each other, trade ideas and info, and vote in polls is a perfect match with what a board on the web can do. Only now it all happens instantly.
A WMA salute and thanks to Doomsday, a pre-web WMA member and TSAC for suggesting that we post some of the early history of the WMA since some of our newer members may be unaware of how the Alliance started.